LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates Smart Eating

Serving Size

Each month I get my 8-15 minutes of fame on a television segment that follows Good Morning America at our ABC-TV affiliate. Last week the station got it's most vocal (positive) response after a segment where I showed visuals of typical serving sizes for a variety of foods. For those of you attempting to do some portion control this may help you as much as it did our viewers. What follows is the serving size and what it's comparable to:

3 oz. meat, poultry or fish = deck of playing cards or audio cassette tape
1 oz of meat, poultry or fish = matchbook
1 cup of fruit or yogurt = baseball
1/2 cup of chopped vegetables = 3 regular ice cubes
1 medium potato = computer mouse
1 cup of potatoes, rice or pasta = a tennis ball
1 standard bagel = hockey puck
1 cup chopped fresh leafy greens = 4 lettuce leaves
2 T. peanut butter = golf ball
1 oz cheese = four dice or a tube of lipstick
1 slice of cheese = 3.5 inch computer disk
1/2 cup of cooked vegetables = 6 asparagus spears or 7-8 baby carrots or 1 ear
of corn or 3 spears of broccoli

Smart Eating Lifestyles

LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates
1378 Leisure World Mesa, AZ 85206
Phone: 503-481-8182
Web Site Design by JDL Design