LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates Smart Education
An educational experience to grow and learn.


LIFESTYLES enthusiasm for education is moving into the school arena. Ronda has developed five curriculums to teach students health, nutrition and physical education concepts.

These curriculum are used at Reebok Sports Camps. There are five lessons including:

Let's Gas Up
Muscle Up/Shape Up
Aim For the Bullseye
Labels Can't Lie
Fat Busters-The Lineup.
Each course includes the following elements:
Slogan For Session
Description of the Session:
Key Words and definitions:
Materials Needed:
Background Reading (provided):
Points To Make Prior To Activity:
Reproducible Masters:
Trigger Sheets (the script):
Additional Resources:
All five lesson plans: $49

For more information about this curriculum call LIFESTYLES at 480-242-4812

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LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates
1378 Casada Ct, Leisure World
Mesa, AZ 85206
Phone: 480-242-4812
Web Site Design by JDL Design