LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates

Hello.. Welcome to our recipe page.
Please help yourself to this nutritious, low fat recipe, compliments of Ronda.
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This recipe will yield 16 servings of approx. 3/4 oz each.
Each serving contains approx. 53 calories.
4egg whites
1-1/4 cuppowdered sugar or 1 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp.vanilla
Beat egg whites until stiff and gradually add 2/3 of the sugar. Continue beating until mixture is stiff and will hold its shape. Fold in remaining sugar and vanilla. Drop mixture from tip of spoon in small piles 1/2-inch apart on non stick pan. Bake at 225 degrees until a very light brown. (You can add chopped nuts or coconut to the mixture, but the cookies will be higher in fat.)

All recipes © 1991-2001, LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates. All rights reserved.

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