How is you goal to walk 10,000 steps a day coming along? Here's an excerpt from the newest handout for the LIFESTYLES Smart Start® Nutrition and Weight Management Coaching Program recently introduced to the health club scene!! These will help you add steps to your life and burn that stored body fat you want to get rid of.
1. Incorporate more "natural" activity in your DAILY ROUTINE:
- Pick up your walking pace.
- Stoop, bend, reach whether you need to or not.
- Park your car at least 100 paces from your destination.
- Choose the farthest phone, bathroom or path between two points.
- Visit with a friend or family member on a walk.
- Use "coffee breaks" at work to walk or climb staircases.
- If you watch TV, exercise during the commercials by going up and down a fight of stairs a couple of times or standing up then sitting down in your chair ten times or walking around the outside of your house.
- Exercise for 3 minutes between errands and chores as you go through your "to do" list.
- Choose an exercise you enjoy. The best exercise is the one you'll do daily and the best time to do it is the time you are sure to do it.
- Find an exercise partner and set goals together.
- Set up a personal DAILY program of walking, biking, swimming, jogging or any other activity that moves you from one place to another under your own steam.
- Vary your exercise routine to keep metabolism sharp.
- Try your hand at a new recreational sport: tennis, volleyball, badmitton, ping pong, or bowling, for example.
- Take lessons to tackle an activity you can do the rest of your life.
Instead of meeting a friend for lunch, meet a friend for a lunchtime walk.
- Start out slowly and avoid strain. Increase your goals weekly,
If you get out of breath when you're exercising your exercising too hard.
- Remember that you need sustained exercise of at least 20 minutes to reap cardiovascular benefits, and 30-45 minutes to burn body fat stores.
- Set a goal to burn at least 250 calories a day during exercise (with some intensity during your workout, you'll burn another 250 as you recover.)
- Check out a fitness book at your library and read it.
- Keep a daily activity log to affirm your success.