LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates Weekly Message
Weekly Gems from Ronda Gates.

Too Darned Hot

favorite web ites This week I decided to ferret through the hundreds of bookmarks on my internet browser and list ten web sites I think everyone needs to know about. This is a mostly health and consumer oriented alpha list that sets me up for challenges from friends, family and readers of this newsletter -- but here goes (alpha listing): I don't know anyone anymore whose life hasn't been touched because a friend or family member heard, "You have breast cancer." This classy site, founded by breast cancer oncologist Marisa Weiss, M. D. (author of Living Beyond Breast Cancer) has up to date information on everything related to the subject. This is the home site for my favorite techno-tool, the MIO watch. You can get an accurate heart rate without the irritating strap required by a heart rate monitor. Go here to order videos you can use to exercise at home. This site guarantees delivery of compliments, complaint or comments regarding a product or service to companies worldwide. When doesn't stock a book (usually rare, published privately or no longer in print) they call on Powell's Books, the largest retail bookstore in the world (located in Portland, OR). and for the most up to date information about what hoaxes are being perpetrated by internet. You can find information on more than 4500 prescription drugs here. whether you are a consumer or health professional, go here for easy to read information about health. You'll find comprehensive databases for diseases, drugs, dangers and, in their weight loss section, an excellent review of the pros and cons of popular diets. This is the king/queen of virus protection and updates plus they often have info about the latest email scams that can cross your monitor. health fraud this organization is dedicated to educating women to make informed decisions about their health, well being and safety. Check out their on-line newsletter. Now, I encourage you to share your own if it's not listed here. Additional favorites are on my web site,, under the Smart Resources icon.

Weekly Messages Lifestyles

LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates
1378 Casada Ct, Leisure World
Mesa, AZ 85206
Phone: 480-242-4812
Web Site Design by JDL Design