Weekly Message
Weekly Gems from Ronda Gates. |
Every week I wrestle with this column. Many of you subscribed when my career focused primarily on pharmacy, nutrition and fitness. You could expect newsletters that made you a more savvy consumer. More recent subscribers know my work is now focused on women's health with special emphasis on supporting behavior change. So, when I write a nutrition/fitness oriented column I disappoint readers more interested in the challenges I make in when I write about mental, emotional and spiritual issues. When I write a more "spiritually oriented" column I get Emails that say, "I want less touchy-feely stuff and more information to help me lose weight" or "get fit fast." My own interests leap back and forth depending on my experiences of the week. If I hear shoppers in a heated discussion over the ripeness of oranges at a supermarket I want to remind readers that color differences in oranges (and grapefruits) are not about ripeness. They're due to different nighttime temperatures before the fruits are picked. Instead of checking for color, check for rinds that are smooth and free of soft spots. For juicy fruit, make sure the fruit feels heavy for it's size. When I overhear a discussion in my fitness class about the merits of bananas to replenish potassium and prevent leg cramps I'm encouraged to set the record straight. In fact, a potato or an avocado or five figs, or a quarter cup of raisins have more potassium than a banana and an inexpensive can of V-8 is as good a way to replenish the minerals that prevent cramps (and high blood pressure) as an expensive electrolyte replacement drink. As a health promotion catalyst I want to remind everyone that without proper exercise and nutrition bones become depleted faster than we thought possible, that overexposure to sun is the leading risk factor for skin cancer (and wrinkles), that second hand smoke causes lung cancer and post-menopausal women are experiencing sudden death from heart disease as often as the men they love. Then I learn a good friend has been diagnosed with cancer or I hear a thought provoking lecture or am disappointed by a friend's behavior or inspired and challenged by a personal experience with family or friends. That week I find myself writing about the uncertainty of life or honesty or commitment or leaps of faith or reminding you that obituaries never mention whether a person was fat or thin. I find myself eager to see if I can make a simple, profound idea about attitude or trust or making life count come alive. In short, this column, originally written to sell my perspective to content hungry web sites has evolved, with the demise or merging of health sites into what I call Stuff That Works. No bull, no frills, no hype. Philosophizing? Maybe. Debunking myths, separate fact from fiction. clarifying misconceptions? You can count on it. As usual, I invite your feedback. With that input I can continue to reflect your thoughts. Meantime, individual questions can be sent to SmartCoach@aol.com. More than three years of previous issue of this newsletter are archived at the web site: www.rondgates.com along with FAQ, a recipe and fitness tip for the day and the information about my speaking services I hope will encourage you to invite me to speak to your professional association or conference. Thanks for the opportunity to step on the soap box again. |
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