Weekly Message
Weekly Gems from Ronda Gates. |
This weekend I was challenged to express what I'd learned in the year since the tragedy of 9-11. My initial thought was to talk about my first response to the event--awareness that life can be changed in a second by people we don't even know. But that wasn't new information. Anyone who has experienced small or great gains or losses learns that lesson early. Next I thought of the many ordinary people like you and me who, in the worst of circumstances, were able to reach beyond their limits and manage what seemed impossible. But that wasn't new information either. Most of us know there are great reserves of courage within each of us. Many thoughts continued to pass through the filter in my brain. Suddenly I remembered a high school physical education teacher who encouraged me to always strive to be fit enough to be able to run for my life, the example set by parents who taught me that apathy is not an option, and mentors who by provocation and example kept me on my toes and inspired me to be a better person. I could go on and on but in the end I had to admit that 9-11 was quite simply, for me, a challenge to consciously live each moment of every day to the fullest. I came to understand what it means to let go and not hold back, to grab the opportunities that come my way and make the best of them--even when the lessons they bring aren't the lessons I expected. And, I did my best to keep the slates in my relationships clean so I would never have to look back and say, "I wish I'd" On that fateful day I could not begin to imagine what good could come out of such a horrific event. One year later I know much good (and, admittedly, not so good) has been revealed. This will, indeed, be a week to remember. Although we will be tempted often to sit back and watch what others did and are doing, I encourage you, instead, to find your own way to celebrate the good fortune that you have the opportunity to face another day. Do it with good health. |
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