LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates Weekly Message
Weekly Gems from Ronda Gates.

Another Resource List

After a reinstall of Netscape (sorry, brother Bill, I don't use Internet Explorer on my MAC) resulted in the loss of all my Bookmarks (AAAAAAGHHHHHH) I spent too much time scanning the internet in an attempt to recreate my resource lists.

This top ten list is my favorite (by alpha) nutrition/food sites. I couldn't resist adding an exercise related site (No. 11) to remind you to be active every day.

Ronda's TOP 10 Nutrition / Food Sites

Print the graphic on the following to remind you to exercise daily!!

Weekly Messages Lifestyles

LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates
1378 Casada Ct, Leisure World
Mesa, AZ 85206
Phone: 480-242-4812
Web Site Design by JDL Design