Blame it on the light bulb! One hundred years ago Americans slept about
nine hours a night. Since then the average has dropped to less than 7
hours. According to sleep disorder research, that's not enough. If your
personal or professional life requires you to lose sleep there are some
things you can do to help you access restful, high quality levels of sleep
more quickly. Three of them are:
1. Avoid eating a late dinner. A full stomach for most people also means a
level of discomfort that keeps them awake.
2. Exercise. A 20 minute workout (but not before bedtime) will boost your
metabolism and help relieve sleep robbing stress.
3. Dress (or undress!) for sleep then spend a few minutes doing something
that helps you unwind.
This week, if your sleep isn't all it should be, use one of the above
suggestions to help make the sleep you get restorative.