LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates Weekly Message
Weekly Gems from Ronda Gates.

For Women And The Men Who Love Them

Have you seen the bumper sticker that reads, "I've got PMS and I've got a gun."

If you are a woman of childbearing age you can probably relate to this bumper sticker. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is now a widely recognized diagnosis for women who experience one or some of the more than 150 symptoms that range from acne and breast tenderness to mood swings, uncontrollable crying and debilitating migraines from fifteen to five days before they menstruate.

PMS is precipitated by fluctuating hormones combined with social, cultural, biological and psychological factors. The number and types of symptoms women experience vary from person to person. The severity of symptoms can also vary each month.

So, what's a smart woman whose physical, mental, social and emotional health may be tempered by PMS to do?

Most health professionals believe treatment should begin with a thorough physical. This, combined with a daily calendar that records the most debilitating symptoms sets the stage for treatment which falls into five categories:

  • 1. prescription drugs that include anti-depressants, diuretics, hormone related drugs, muscle relaxants and medicine to relieve pain
  • 2. herbal products including black cohosh for mood swings, chasteberry for irritability and headaches, St. John's wort for depression, kava kava for anxiety and dandelion tea to relieve bloating and fluid retention
  • 3. vitamin and mineral supplements including calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6 (pyroxidone) and vitamin E
  • 4. dietary changes including decreasing caffeine, salt and alcohol, avoiding foods with added sugar and increasing intake of foods from whole grains and vegetable and dairy sources of protein (soy, beans, milk, yogurt) (See Smart Eating -only $10 postage paid at for a diet that fulfills the criteria set forth PMS medical experts.)
  • 5. avoiding diets that create a calorie deficit of 300 or more calories than your body needs (as in 1700 calories/day or less when your body needs 2000 calories/day)
  • 6. exercise of any kind including brisk walking, strength training, yoga and tai chi
  • 7. mind-body strategies including diaphragmatic breathing, relaxation tapes, mental imagery and exercises that improve alertness (crossword puzzles, eating with the opposite hand, driving new routes to a destination)..

Here are some other important points:

... Don't self-treat with prescription or over-the-counter products if you are using any other prescription drug or aren't in top health.

... Don't buy multi-formula products. Instead, test individual ingredients to see if you et results. (Results on these can take up to six months, so be patient.)

... Always let your pharmacist know if you add over-the-counter drugs to your regimen, to assure there are no interactions

... Always record side effects

... All doctors agree that exercise and a healthy diet remain your best defense against PMS.

Visit Smart Pharmacist to view a typical chart that can be the basis for determining which and when symptoms should be treated.

And, instead of a gun, the best weapon you can muster is to turn your frown upside down. Attitude is everything.

Weekly Messages Lifestyles

LIFESTYLES by Ronda Gates
1378 Casada Ct, Leisure World
Mesa, AZ 85206
Phone: 480-242-4812
Web Site Design by JDL Design